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New for This Release

October 17, 1996

Use of Fully Qualified Dataset Names / Sequential Dataset Support

The server's many API's and built-in facilities now support the use of fully qualified MVS dataset names. Formerly, external datasets could only be referenced by DD name references.

This new support allows you to specify a DSNAME value wherever a DDNAME was, formerly, the only valid parameter. The Server handles allocation of the dataset to the product address space.

Additionally, the Server now supports MVS Sequential Datasets (QSAM) as well as Partitioned Datasets (BPAM).

Support for DSNAME reference and sequential files has been included within the following components and API's:

As part of this enhancement, the Server also supports the use of MVS dataset name aliases and PDSE file organizations.

Prior Release Notes

September 9, 1996

June 30, 1996
