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New for This Release

September 9, 1996

Transaction Level Statistics Expanded - New DB2 Logging Facility Available

The server's WWW transaction-level SMF record has been expanded to incorporate many of the fields customers have requested. In addition, transaction-level information can now be written to SMF, a DB2 table, or both.

In order to utilize either of these facilities, you must edit the start-up initialization routine, SWSxIN00 to specify various parameter values.

To Enable SMF Recording:

To enable SMF recording, set a value for the SMF record type number using the start-up parameter SMFNUMBER. SMF records are only written when the Shadow OS/390 Web Server is operating as an authorized, started task. SMF recording is unconditionally suppressed when 'test' copies are operated under TSO.

Be sure to use an SMF record type number which is not already in use by some other product or MVS component.

To Enable DB2 Logging:

Writing transaction-level data to a DB2 table allows you to create statistical summaries as Web transactions, rather than building reports in batch using SMF recording data.

To set up and use DB2 logging, you will need to perform the following steps after installation of the product.

  1. Create the DB2 table into which these log records will be inserted. Member WBUILDTB in the distribution CNTL file contains the statements necessary to define a suitable table.
  2. You may, if you desire, create a special Userid to be used by the DB2 logging tasks which manages the DB2 log. If a special Userid is not specified, logging is performed using the Shadow OS/390 Web Server's started-task Userid.

    If you create a special Userid for the logging task, you must specify this Userid as the start-up parameter LOGUSERID.

    If you do not wish to establish a separate Userid, then the Security Subsystem Userid, under which Shadow OS/390 Web Server, itself, operates must be granted access to this table.

  3. Set the start-up time product LOGURLS to 'YES', which enables DB2 logging of this type of information.
  4. Set the start-up parameter LOGURLSTABLE to the name of the DB2 table created for this purpose in 1 above.
  5. Set the start-up parameter LOGWAIT to the number of seconds the DB2 logging task should delay before re-attempting to delete expired records. Typically the value can be once an hour, or a few times every day.
  6. Set the LOGRETAINURLS parameter to the number of days history you wish to maintain within the table. The logging task automatically deletes transaction records older than this value periodically.


Major Enhancements to the HTML Extension Facility

The Shadow OS/390 Web Server's HTML Extension Facility has been expanded to include condition checking, iterations and other flow control statements.

These changes were implemented in conjunction with improving the /*EXECSQL support, so that DB2 result set data could be merged into outbound HTML or text documents.

Be aware of the following operational change:

Uninitialized variables are replaced by a NULL string in HTML Extension Text Insertion Statements.

Formerly, the default action was to replace the variable reference with the upper-case name of the variable itself. Replacement using this method must now be explicitly requested.


Major Enhancements to /*EXECSQL Process Section Support

New keywords for the /*EXECSQL Process Section allow you to specify an HTML input form, allowing the end user to specify values which control the DB2 query. The SQL statement may contain variable information to control the results of a query.

Two types of result set formatting may be selected:

  • AUTOFORMAT - causes the result set data to be automatically formatted as HTML table.
  • OUTPUTFORMAT - allows the result set data to be merged into a customized HTML page using the HTML Extension Facility.

Be aware of the following operational change: 

The EXECSQL event procedure, within the TYP.EXEC SEF ruleset, formerly supplied with the Shadow OS/390 Web Server, is no longer used. It MUST be disabled or removed from your TYP.EXEC SEF event procedure ruleset.

Also, if the TYP.FILE rule is in your library, (true for some of the original Beta Sites), be sure that this rule is also disabled or discarded.

We strongly suggest that you discard these rules.

Prior Release Notes

June 30, 1996
