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SWSWTO Function

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The SWSWTO built-in function provides a means to issue a MVS write to operator.

The SWSWTO function allows a message to be written to the MVS operator console. Optionally, a route code may be supplied. If a zero route code is supplied, the default will be used. The route code is one of four string constants, which is described below. Each constant determines a set of route and descriptor codes, which is described in the IBM publication - - Assembler Services Reference.

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To code the SWSWTO function, use the following format:

RC = SWSWTO( textstring ,<route code>)

Valid Route Codes

Route Code Description
Informational desc codes 4,9 route code 1
Warning desc codes 4,9 route codes 1,11
Severe desc codes 2,11 route codes 2,11
Hardcopy None

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Return Values

The function returns 0 (zero) if successful and non-zero if the WTO failed.