Improving Performance

The Dynamic DB2/SQL Service is designed to efficiently transfer requests and data between your REXX programs and DB2. However, to obtain optimum performance, you should "tune" you application using the measures outlined in the sections that follow.

SQL Design PREPARE Avoidance

SQL Design

The single most important factor in the performance of your applications is the design of your databases and SQL statements. While this topic is beyond the scope of this manual, there are several "common sense" items you should be aware of:

There are many more SQL optimizations you can make. For more information on coding SQL efficiently, refer to DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide for your system's release of DB2.

PREPARE Avoidance

The dynamic interface keeps track of previously PREPAREd statements. When the interface detects that a statement is the same as one it has PREPAREd before, it can skip the PREPARE. This is an important time saver, because much of the work DB2 must perform to determine how to run a statement is done during the PREPARE.

There are 3 things you can do to help ensure that PREPAREs are skipped:

  1. When possible, code host variable expressions to make your statements variable. A statement that uses REXX expression evaluation to supply variable information may not match with a previously prepared statement. For example you should code:
    /* A host variable expression */
    "exec sql insert into mytab values(:v1,:v2);"
    instead of:
    /* A REXX expression (abuttal concatenation) */
    "exec sql insert into mytab values("v1","v2");"
  2. Try to code your SQL statements as consistently as possible. The prepared statement lookaside process will not be confused by different host variable names, differences in case, or by multiple blanks. However, it can be confused if you use some blanks in one situation but don't use any blanks in another. For example, the following statements are equivalent from DB2's perspective, but the third statement will cause the lookaside process to miss an opportunity to avoid a PREPARE:
    "exec sql insert into mytab values(:v1,   :v2);"
    "EXEC SQL Insert    Into MYTAB   VALUES(:z1, :z2);"
    "EXEC SQL INSERt  INTO  Mytab VALUES(:q,:p);"
    The difference is that the third statement has no blanks between ":q" and ":p".
  3. COMMIT your work as often as required, but not too often. COMMIT statements invalidate all previously PREPAREd statements (except for prepared statements associated with "hold" cursors). As a consequence, statement PREPAREs will have to be redone.

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