The Shadow OS/390 Web Server

Setting up the sample Web Server Programs

All of the source code to the Sample programs can be found in the SWS.SV040501.SAMP dataset. This dataset should have been copied off of the tape during the install.

Sample DB2 Program

In order to run the sample DB2 program, the following steps need to be performed ahead of time:
  1. Ensure that you have a Q.staff table, This table is provided by QMF.
  2. Pre-Compile (using the DB2 pre-compiler), compile and link the SWCODBP2 program in the SAMP dataset. Sample JCL to do this is provided in the SWS.SV020100.CNTL dataset, member COB2DB2.
  3. Grant execute on the plan created to public.

Sample IMS DBCTL Program

The sample IMS DBCTL program has the following requirements:
  1. The IMS PARTs database, DI21PART, needs to be available to IMS. This database is part of the IMS IVP installation.
  2. The DFSSAM02 PSB, also part of the IVP install, needs to be gen'd and available.
The source code for this sample can be found in member SWCOIM in the SWS.SV020100.SAMP dataset.

Sample Transaction Server for IMS Program

This sample uses the Transaction Server for IMS feature and has the following requirements:
  1. The Transaction Server for IMS Installation steps need to have been completed. These steps are described in the Shadow Web Server Installation Manual.
  2. The IMS PARTs database, DI21PART, needs to be available.
  3. The PART transaction needs to be available.
  4. The following change(s) needs to be made to the SWCOIMAP source code:
  5. Compile and link the program into the SWSRPCLB dataset.

Sample Transaction Server for IMS and DBCTL program

This sample requires that both the IMS DBCTL Sample and the Transaction Server for IMS requirements to be met, but instead of making modifications to the SWCOIMAP program, the IMS Transaction server program used in this case is SWCIMAP2.

Sample Transaction Server for CICS Program

This sample uses the Transaction Server for CICS feature and has the following requirements:
  1. The Transaction Server for CICS installation steps need to have been completed. These steps are described in the Shadow Web Server Installation Manual.
  2. The sample vsam file that is supplied by IBM for CICS, FILEA, needs to be available to CICS.
  3. The DFH$FILA and DFH$EXCI groups need to be installed in CICS.