


the address, in the REXX printable hexadecimal format (e.g., '1FC0') of the Event Control Block (ECB) to post as completed.
the completion code to place in the ECB completion code field. This argument is specified as a REXX printable integer.

Module Name:


Service Description:

The POST function is used to signal the completion of events. Other tasks that may be waiting on the Event Control Block (ECB) will become available for execution. Optionally, you may supply an event completion code which is placed in the ECB and may be examined by other programs.

The primary purpose the POST function, is to notify other programs, which may be running in the same address space but under different Task Control Blocks (TCBs), of the completion of a synchronizing event. For example, two independently executing programs may occasionally need to pass data to each other. The POST function (along with the WAIT 'ECB' function) can be used to coordinate the process of passing information from one program to the other.

Returned Information:

The MVS POST macro does not return a useful return code. Therefore, the POST function always returns a value of zero. If you CALL the POST function the RESULT special variable will contain zero, also. The RC special variable remains unchanged.


  1. Call the POST function to indicate the completion of an event:
    call post MyECB, 4
    In this example a completion code of 4 is set. This completion code may be examined by any program that was waiting on MYECB.

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