


is the 1 to 8 character name that identifies the data set you want to process. This name needs to have been previously associated with the data set, either via the ALLOCATE command or JCL DD statement, and opened via the OPEN function.
is the 1 to 8 character name that identifies the member you want to process. The system searches the PDS directory for this name to determine the member's address.

The second argument is treated as a member name for all values of option except 'T'

is the 6 byte printable hexadecimal address (in TTR format) of the member you want to process. The system does not search for the member. It uses the TTR value to directly position to the member. A member's TTR can be obtained from the FINDM, STOWM, and LISTM functions.

Note: This argument must be exactly 6 bytes long. The TTRs produced by LISTM, FINDM, and STOWM are in the proper format.

indicates the type of the second argument (member or ttr), and determines the type of processing required. The valid options are:
indicates member name find only. The system establishes position so that subsequent GETs read records from the member. No directory information is returned. This is the default.
indicates positioning by TTR. The second argument must be a valid TTR address for a member. The system establishes position so that subsequent GETs read records from the member. No directory information is returned.
indicates member name positioning (see 'M' above) and in addition, the system retrieves directory information for the member. The directory entry's user field is returned, unformatted.
indicates member name positioning (see 'M' above) and in addition, the system retrieves directory information for the member. If the directory entry's user field contains syntactically valid ISPF statistics, FINDM formats and returns this information.

Module Name:


Service Description:

FINDM is used to position for reading a PDS/PDSE member. Optionally, FINDM will retrieve the member's directory information. If the file has been opened for update, and one or more PUTs to a member have been executed, FINDM will complete pending write operations, prior to finding the next member.

FINDM can be used only if the file has been opened for input or update. It is an error to use FINDM with a file that is open for output. You must close and re-open the file for input or update.

Note: FINDM establishes a connection to a PDSE member.

Returned Information:

The FINDM function returns a string containing different values, depending on the value of option and the success of the operation.

If you CALL the FINDM function, the returned value is contained in the RESULT special variable.

After completion of a FINDM function call, several special REXX variables are populated with useful information. You should treat these variables as "read only" and make no attempt to modify any of them. The variables are:

Contains the FIND or BLDL return code. An RC of zero means the operation was completed successfully.
Contains the FIND or BLDL reason code.


  1. Position to a member:
    if findm('indd','payroll') = 0 then do
      /* read the member */
  2. Position to a member using its TTR:
    if findm('indd','0003A9','t') = 0 then do
      /* read the member */
  3. Position to a member and retrieve its directory entry in "user" format:
    parse value findm('indd','payroll','u') with,
      rc ttr k z c usrfld
    if rc = 0 then do
      /* read the member */
  4. Position to a member and retrieve its directory entry in ISPF format:
    parse value findm('indd','payroll','s') with,
      rc ttr k z c vv mm cdate mdate mtime cl il ml uid
    if rc = 0 then do
      /* read the member */

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